Posted By admin on December 28, 2009
History and Biography of Psycho Sid Vicious

History and Biography of Psycho Sid Vicious
Real Name: Sid Eudy
Birthday: July 4, 1960
Hometown: West Memphis, Arkansas
Height & Weight: 6’9 – 303lbs
Trained by: Tojo Yamamoto
Debut: 1987
Also known as:
Vicious Warrior
Sid Justice (WWF)
Sycho Sid (WWF)
The Millennium Man (WCW)
Mini Biography
For years, Sid Eudy has been one of the most feared wrestlers in the game, becoming one of only a few wrestlers to have competed in all three major organizations at or near the top of the ladder. Although one of the powerhouses in wrestling history, Sid still lacks the respect of the fans. But true wrestling followers know the great skills of this man.
Sid enetered the wrestling business after meeting with “Macho Man” Randy Savage, who saw the man’s potential. After some training, Sid began his career in the CWF, where he wrestled as Lord Humongous. He wrestled well, earning the World Title there. He went on to the CWA in ’88, and again worked his way to the top, defeating Brian Lee for the CWA Heavyweight Title. He held the belt for a month before losing to Wendall Cooley. Soon after, Sid decided to head to the big time, and went to WCW. He became Sid Vicious, a man feared for the way he could destroy his opponents. Sid first teamed with Vader, calling themselves the Masters of the Powerbomb. This team was short-lived, and Vicious soon teamed up with Dan Spivey instead, to create the Skyscrapers, a very dangerous tag-team. The duo fought together against many opponents over the next few years, including winning the King of the Hill tournament at the Great American Bash ’89. Sid also started becoming known as a good heel singles wrestler, feuding with El Gigante, Sting, and others. Still, big wins over major wrestlers were few and far between, until Sid became involved in the biggest stable in the industry.
At Halloween Havoc ’90, Sid Vicious was slated to face the NWA champion, Sting, in the main event. Through the event, Sting seemed to have the advantage, eventually chasing Sid backstage, while the Four Horsemen, who were feuding with Sting, came to the ring. When “Sting” and Sid returned to the ring from backstage, Sid apparently pinned the champion to win the title. However, a few minutes later, the real Sting ran to the ring, showing that the “Sting” who had been pinned was actually Barry Windham. Sting then pinned Sid to retain his title. Still, Sid’s name was now intertwined with the Four Horsemen, as he officially came to be with them. Sid would stay a member of the Horsemen for the next few months, wrestling with them in the first Fall Brawl Wargames match, before leaving WCW. He went for most of ’91 to different organizations, including the CWA once again, where he won the Texas Heavyweight Title from Tom Pritchard (once again known as Lord Humongous). Only a week later, Pritchard reclaimed the title, and Sid left again.
Sid next appeared in the WWF as Sid Justice, and at first was thought of as an honorable wrestler. He seemed to befriend Hogan, and aided him occassionally. But when Hogan eliminated Justice from the Royal Rumble ’92 (from the outside), Sid began a major feud with him. At Wrestlemania VIII, they met in the main event, with Hogan winning via DQ when Sid couldn’t control his rage. This was Justice’s big moment in the WWF for the time being, as he soon departed them and again wrestled in smaller organizations for a time. Justice soon returned to “Vicious-ness” in WCW.
Sid Vicious joined up with Big Van Vader once again, and the two fought with various partners against Sting and his factions. The two groups met at consecutive PPVs, with Sting’s faction normally coming out on top. Sid Vicious was still gaining ground in the world of wrestling, though, until an ugly incident in October ’93. It was soon after the Halloween Havoc PPV, where Sid had lost to Sting. By all reports, Sid went to Arn Anderson’s hotel room one night, to settle an ‘argument.’ Unfortunately, a pair of scissors were nearby. Both men suffered multiple stab wounds in the battle, although Arn’s wounds far exceeded Sid’s (20 to 4). Sid was quickly dropped from WCW, his career forever tarnished. This brawl showed that “Vicious” was a very good nickname for the 6’9″ monster.
Sid, for the next two years, went around trying to continue to work in the business he had made his career. He wrestled in the USWA, where he became the Unified World Heavyweight champion there in July ’94 when Jerry Lawler vacated the belt. Sid would hold the title until February ’95, when Lawler reclaimed his gold (something he held over 20 times). In early ’95, Sycho Sid came back to the WWF, given his chance to redeem himself. He faced many wrestlers, from Diesal to Henry Godwinn to Vader, earning the respect of the fans. He slowly climbed the ladder in ’96, becoming a contender for the World Title. He also wrestled briefly in the USWA one more time, beating Lawler for the Heavyweight Title, only to lose it back to him a few days later. Sid then started concentrating mainly on the WWF.
At the Survivor Series in ’96, Sid realized the big time, defeating Shawn Michaels to become the WWF Heavyweight Champion of the World. He would defend the belt for the next few months, against men like Bret Hart and the Undertaker, before Michaels won the belt back at the Royal Rumble. Sid, undeterred, waited as Michaels became injured, forfeiting the title. Bret Hart won the belt at the Final Four contest, defeating Steve Austin, Vader, and the Undertaker. The next night, Sid took down Hart to become a 2-time WWF champ. At Wrestlemania XIII, though, the Undertaker took Sid down, taking the World Title. A month or so later, Sid ventured away from the WWF to once again travel the path of the wrestling organizations.
In January ’99 in Extreme Championship Wrestling, John Kronus, slowly becoming more and more unstable, attacked referee Jeff Jones savagely. At the next PPV, Guilty As Charged, Jones came out and told Kronus that he would pay for the attack, then brought out Sid Vicious, who had been heavily announced for the show as someone who had ‘tore through’ the other federations. Vicious promptly destroyed Kronus, winning in just over a minute with a Powerbomb. Despite some great matches against the like of Justin Credible, Sid didn’t stay with ECW long. In June ’99, Sid Vicious surprisingly reappeared in WCW, the organization that had been the sight of his biggest blackmark. He attacked Kevin Nash, the reigning Heavyweight Champion, at the Great American Bash ’99, causing the DQ and saving “Macho Man” Randy Savage. Sid and Savage then teamed together against Nash, who brought Sting into the mix. Although there was some doubt as to whose side Sting was on, the four went into the next PPV, Bash at the Beach ’99, with the World Title on the line for whoever got the pinfall victory. Savage pinned Nash, allowing him to become the champ (at least for one night), while Sid got the win.
Strangely, over the next few weeks, Sid joined with Nash, his nemesis, along with Rick Steiner. The three teamed together against Sting, Hulk Hogan (who won the title from Savage), and Bill Goldberg. The two groups clashed continuously, moving into Road Wild ’99. At the PPV, Sid faced off 1-on-1 with Sting, and shocked the world by defeating the Franchise cleanly after a Chokeslam. Sid used this momentum to move forward in his quest to become the Millenium Man of WCW, attacking many wrestlers during their matches and counting them as a victory for himself. He, with Rick Steiner, continued to challenge Bill Goldberg, saying that his win-loss record would soon be the same as Da Man’s. This got him into a feud with Chris Benoit, who currently held the United States Title. They finally set up a match at Fall Brawl ’99, with Sid dodging Benoit’s Flying Headbutt in the end, then powerbombing him for the victory, and the US Title, Sid’s first WCW Title reign.
Now with gold around his waist, Sid’s feud with Bill Goldberg got even larger. With the Outsiders (Nash & Scott Hall) aiding him, Sid routinely triple-teamed Goldberg, as well as squashing two wrestlers at a time to raise his “winning streak”. They finally met at Halloween Havoc, in a brutal battle between the two that started backstage. As they came out, with Sid already bleeding, the Outsiders interfered, double-teaming Goldberg to allow Sid to get back into it. But Sid continued to bleed, eventually getting his face covered in blood when Goldberg retook control. Finally, the refs couldn’t take any more, and called the match due to excessive bleeding. Thus, Sid lost the match, and Goldberg took the US Title.
The next night, it was announced that the WCW World Title was vacant, and that there would be a Tournament set up. In the first round, Goldberg faced off against an injured Bret Hart. With the aid of Vicious & the Outsiders, Goldberg lost the match, as Hart made the pin, unaware of the sneak attack. Later in the tournament, however, Vicious was set against Scott Hall, and lost due to interference from Goldberg. The fuel was again burning between them, as neither one made it past the first round of the tournament because of the other. Sid & the Outsiders stayed aligned, though, against Goldberg and his new ally, Hart, causing numerous brawls between the two groups. In one fight, it was a Four Corners match for the vacated US Title, between Vicious, Goldberg, Hart, & Scott Hall. Thanks to Kevin Nash (the referee), Hall got the win and the belt. Goldberg & Vicious continued to go at it, leading up to the next PPV, where the two men signed to fight in an “I Quit” match. At Mayhem, the battle went back and forth for a few minutes, then Goldberg took control, eventually forcing Sid to pass out in a Cobra Clutch maneuver. Once again, Da Man had defeated Vicious.
Surprisingly enough, not long after the battle at Mayhem, Vicious began allying himself with Goldberg, breaking off from the Outsiders, who had replaced him with Jeff Jarrett. The two groups feuded, with Bret Hart & Chris Benoit forming a third unit. Vicious focused his energies on Nash, since both were known for their ring-rattling powerbombs. At Starrcade ’99, they fought in a Powerbomb match, with the winner being the one who could powerbomb the other behemoth. Nearing the end of the match, the referee was accidentally ko’ed. Soon after, Sid powerbombed Nash, but the ref, out cold, missed it. Jarrett then came to the ring and knocked out Vicious with his guitar. Nash then attempted the powerbomb, couldn’t manage it, and then went and woke the referee, saying that he DID powerbomb him. The ref, still stunned and hurting, awarded the win to Nash, and for the third straight pay-per-view, Sid took the loss. He later competed in the World Tag-Team Title Tournament, drawing the Wall as his partner. They lost in the first round, though, to Scott Steiner & Kevin Nash.
In the beginning of ’00, an injury to Bret Hart vacated the World Heavyweight Title. Two men were finally picked to contend for the gold at Souled Out: Chris Benoit & Sid Vicious. The two had been allies for a few weeks, teaming against Jeff Jarrett & the Outsiders, but the ties quickly broke down when the World Title went on the line. It wasn’t helped that Arn Anderson, Benoit’s ally in the IV Horsemen (and the man that Sid had stabbed repeatedly once upon a time) became the referee for the fight. As the two fought for the biggest belt in the company, the locker room emptied, with many stars watching the battle from a better vantage point. Throughout the fight, Benoit worked over Sid’s knee, hammering it with dropkicks, stair-shots, a figure-four, and more. In the end, Sid’s Chokeslam only got him a 2 count, since Benoit was in the ropes. As Vicious argued with Anderson about the call, Benoit came from behind, getting the Crippler Crossface and making Vicious submit, winning the World Title. However, the next night, it was announced that since Vicious was actually on the ropes as well when the Crossface was applied, the decision was reversed (when in actuality it was because of Benoit leaving the company for the WWF).
With the belt still up in the air, Vicious continued to feud with Kevin Nash, who, after beating Terry Funk at Souled Out, was now the Commissioner of WCW. Nash put Vicious into a singles battle against Jeff Jarrett to “qualify” for the shot at the belt, while also outlawing Vicious’ powerbomb. Vicious, though, came through, taking out Don Harris (who subbed for Jarrett) to get to the title match against Nash himself. With the powerbomb still outlawed, Nash using his power against him, & the nWo forces fighting him, things looked bad for Vicious. But he turned it around, stealing Jarrett’s guitar from him and knocking out Nash for the victory, becoming the WCW World Heavyweight Champion for the first time. This was a milestone for Vicious, who became one of only a few wrestlers to win both the WWF & WCW World Titles during their careers.
At the next show, though, “Commissioner” Nash again used his power, stripping Vicious because he pinned Don Harris instead of Jarrett at the last show. Nash then made himself the World Champion. Vicious, of course, disagreed with Nash, and a Steel Cage match was set up for later that night, with Vicious facing a double-team of Nash & Ron Harris. Vicious came through, though, winning despite the double-team, and again walked out with the WCW World Title. Vicious continued to fight against the nWo, even as they began to disperse, feuding among themselves. This led to both Scott Hall & Jeff Jarrett being named the #1 Contenders to Vicious’ title. After Jarrett took out Nash, he took over the Commissionership, and used the Harris Boys to help him get the edge. At Superbrawl X, the three faced off, with a number of referees coming through the match and getting taken out. The Harris Brothers were also at ringside, aiding Jarrett against Vicious & Hall. Things looked bleak when Jarrett’s personal referee, Mark Johnson, came out and took over. But “Rowdy” Roddy Piper then appeared, wearing a ref’s uniform, and took out Johnson, then made the count when Vicious Powerbombed Jarrett, keeping the belt around Sid’s waist.
Jarrett, furious at what happened, continued to come after Vicious and his World Title for the next month, with repeated battles between the two. Jarrett was still the “Commissioner”, which meant a lot of problems for Vicious. Vicious, though, began to get aid from the returning Hulk Hogan. At Uncensored ’00, Vicious & Jarrett had their rematch for the World Title. During the bout, the assigned ref was taken out by Jarrett, and Mark Johnson again came out to give Jarrett the edge. But before Johnson could give the win to Jarrett, Hogan came out and stopped the count. He then beat on Jarrett enough to allow Vicious to get the win and keep the title. However, after the match, Jarrett, the Harris Brothers, & Scott Steiner beat on the two wrestlers. Vicious, though, continued to hold the World Title, at least for another few weeks.
In April ’00, Eric Bischoff & Vince Russo took over WCW, immediately vacating every title, including the World belt. Vicious confronted Russo about it, but threats towards his job forced him to drop the belt. Vicious immediately became part of the Millionaire’s Club, a formation between the older, more experienced wrestlers. They faced Bischoff & Russo’s New Blood, the younger athletes who had not been given the push they thought they deserved. The New Blood’s first move was to put the Millionaire’s Club against each other in the World Title tournament, while their man, the Chosen One Jeff Jarrett, was given a bye. Vicious faced Sting in the first round, and after interference from the New Blood, Sting got the win and moved on, while Vicious fell out of the World Title picture. He later vanished from sight altogether for the next year.
In November ’00, Scott Steiner, the WCW World Champion, was gloating along with his allies after putting Booker T out of action, the same as he had done to Sting. During the celebration, though, Ric Flair brought out Steiner’s next opponent: Sid Vicious. Vicious & Steiner brutally fought for the next few weeks leading up to Starrcade ’00. At the PPV, they went at it for the World Title. During the battle, Steiner put his submission hold, the Steiner Recliner, on Vicious, but Sid made it to the ropes. Later on, Steiner’s valet, Midajah, tried to interfere, but hit Steiner by mistake. The same thing happened when Jeff Jarrett made an appearance, but Jarrett stopped the referee from making the count afterwards. In the end, after all the interference, Steiner got the Recliner back on to make Vicious pass out, losing the match.
For the next month, Vicious continued to go after Steiner & Jarrett, getting some aid from the CEO of WCW, Ric Flair. Flair brought in a ‘mystery man’, who launched attacks on Steiner, Jarrett, & the rest of his crew. It was eventually signed for there to be a Four-Way World Title fight at WCW Sin, the PPV in January ’01, between Vicious, Steiner(c), Jarrett, and the mystery man. During the night, Flair announced that he never said when the mystery man would enter the match. This made the fight start with just the three, putting the double-team against Sid. Vicious came back, however, to attack both men. However, when he leaped off the turnbuckle at one point, Vicious landed horribly, getting a compound fracture in his leg which basically ended the match, as the “mystery man” ran down to kick Sid in the head so that Steiner could pin him. The masked man was then revealed as Road Warrior Animal.
The horrible injury put Sid Vicious out of wrestling for a very long time, as he did not return during the Turner-run WCW era. He is supposedly still recovering, healing up his leg and trying to learn how to walk once again. At this point in time, we’ll just have to see if Sid Vicious ever returns to the ring.
Main Biography:
World Championship Wrestling (first run, 1989-1991)
In 1989, Eudy signed with WCW and wrestled as Sid. Originally slated as a singles wrestler, Eudy was paired with Danny Spivey to form The Skyscrapers. Managed by Teddy Long, The Skyscrapers feuded with the Steiner Brothers and the Road Warriors. During this time, he incorporated the Powerbomb as his finishing move, popularizing it with audiences in North America. However, the team was short-lived; Eudy was replaced by Mean Mark Callous after suffering a broken rib and a punctured lung.
Following his recovery, Eudy returned as a member of Ric Flair’s Four Horsemen, and he was billed by the ring announcers as being from “wherever he darn well pleases”. As one of the Horsemen, Eudy feuded with Paul Orndorff and The Junkyard Dog. He unsuccessfully battled NWA World Champion Sting for the title, with his biggest chance coming at Halloween Havoc 1990, where a fake Sting (Barry Windham) in collusion with Sid, let Sid pin him after switching places with the champion in order for Sid to win the belt. They were thwarted when the real Sting came out and beat Sid.
Despite being offered a multi-year, guaranteed contract and the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, Eudy left the company for the World Wrestling Federation.
World Wrestling Federation (first run, 1991-1992)
Sid made his TV debut in the WWF on the July 20, 1991 episode of WWF Superstars under the name Sid Justice. He was announced as the special guest referee for the main event of that year’s SummerSlam, where The Ultimate Warrior and then-WWF Champion Hulk Hogan teamed up against The Triangle of Terror (Sgt. Slaughter, Col. Mustafa, and Gen. Adnan) in a 3-on-2 Handicap Match. Later that night, Sid saved “The Macho Man” Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth from an attack at the hands of The Undertaker and Jake “The Snake” Roberts at the newly-wed couple’s reception. Sid dominated a short feud against The Undertaker before he took on Jake. In a match with Roberts Sid injured his biceps and couldn’t wrestle at Survivor Series 1991.
Entering at number 29, Sid participated at the 1992 Royal Rumble Match, wherein the winner would win the vacant WWF Title. He managed to be one of the Final Four wrestlers, along with Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, and Ric Flair. He eliminated Savage and then Hogan over the top rope, leaving him and Flair in the ring. Hogan, who was still at ringside after being eliminated, grabbed Sid’s arm and distracted him long enough for Flair to eliminate Sid, win the Royal Rumble Match, and become the new WWF Champion. After the match, Sid and Hogan got into an argument in the ring and had to be separated by security. This incident temporarily turned Sid into a heel.
Less than a week later, on the January 25, 1992 episode of WWF Superstars, WWF President Jack Tunney held a press conference to announce who among Sid, Savage, Hogan, “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and The Undertaker would face Ric Flair for the WWF Championship at WrestleMania VIII. Before Tunney even announced who the #1 contender would be, Sid stood up as if Tunney called his name. Yet to Sid’s annoyance, Tunney chose Hogan. After the press conference, Sid referred to it as “the most bogus act Jack Tunney has ever pulled off”. Sid later issued an apology to Hogan, which Hogan accepted.
Sid and Hogan then teamed up to face The Undertaker and Ric Flair on the February 8 edition of Saturday Night’s Main Event. During the match, after double-clotheslined Undertaker and Flair, Hogan reached to Sid for a tag. Sid refused to tag in, and walked out of the match. Hogan won the match by DQ.
On February 22 on an episode of WWF Superstars, Sid appeared as a guest on Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake’s “The Barber Shop”. Knowing that Hulk Hogan (Beefcake’s good friend) was not in the arena, Sid attacked Beefcake and destroyed the Barber Shop set with a chair (this was the final Barber Shop segment). Later that night, it was announced that Hogan would battle Sid (and not WWF Champion Ric Flair) at the main event of WrestleMania VIII; as a result, Flair would now face Randy Savage for the WWF Title. A week later, Sid hired Harvey Whippleman as his manager.
During their match at WrestleMania VIII, after Hogan got a near fall following his Atomic Leg Drop on Sid. Harvey Whippleman interfered, causing Hogan to win by disqualification and Papa Shango then came to the ring and attacked Hogan. Sid and Papa Shango continued to double-team Hogan until The Ultimate Warrior made his return and saved Hogan.
A month later, Sid left the WWF.
World Championship Wrestling (second run, 1993)
Eudy returned to WCW in 1993 and continued his feud with Sting. At the Fall Brawl 1993 PPV, Sting’s team (Sting, Davey Boy Smith, Dustin Rhodes, and The Shockmaster) defeated Sid Vicious’ team (Sid, Vader, and Harlem Heat (Kole & Kane) in a WarGames match. Also at Halloween Havoc 1993, in a rematch from the same PPV three years ago, Sting once again defeated Sid Vicious.
During their UK tour in Blackburn Lancashire on October 28 (four days after Halloween Havoc), Eudy was involved in a hotel bar scuffle with Arn Anderson. Both were rushed to the hospital; Anderson suffered scissor stab wounds to the chest and stomach. Fortunately, both survived the incident. Sid has apologized to Anderson for what happened, and the two are now on good terms.
Sid was released from WCW after several wrestlers threatened to walk out because of him. It had been planned to have Sid challenge then WCW World Champion Vader at Starrcade in December of that year with the slogans of “Who’s The Man?” vs “Who Rules The World?” used to hype it. But Sid’s departure removed him from this match and Ric Flair was elevated to be the challenger against Vader instead winning the title from him.
World Wrestling Federation (second run, 1995-1997)
Bodyguard of Shawn Michaels (February 1995-April 1995)
Sid returned to the WWF as Sycho Sid on the February 20, 1995 episode of Monday Night Raw as the bodyguard of Shawn Michaels. He, along with Jenny McCarthy, accompanied Michaels to ringside for HBK’s WWF Championship Match against the champion, Diesel at WrestleMania XI. Michaels had the match won with Sweet Chin Music, but Sid stood on the ring apron and distracted referee Earl Hebner, allowing Diesel time to recover. Due to this, Diesel was able to pin Michaels after a Powerbomb to win the match and retain his title.
The next night on Raw (April 3), Michaels told Sid that his services as his bodyguard were no longer needed and suggested not to show up for his rematch against Diesel for the WWF Title at the first-ever In Your House. Sid accepted it, but he attacked Michaels from behind and Powerbombed him three times. Diesel came to Michaels’ aid and clotheslined Sid over the top rope. Michaels sustained a legit back injury as a result of the attack and was sidelined for six weeks, thus taking him out of the title bout. This would also be the start of Michaels’ second WWE face run.
Million Dollar Corporation (April 1995-September 1995)
Two weeks later on the April 17 episode of Raw, “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase announced Sid as the newest member of the Million Dollar Corporation after Bam Bam Bigelow left the Corporation. Also, Sid challenged Diesel to a match for the WWF Championship at In Your House, to which Diesel accepted. In that match, Diesel won the match via DQ and retained his title when Tatanka interfered. After the match, Sid and Tatanka continued to double-team Diesel until Bam Bam Bigelow came out to save him. At King of the Ring 1995, Diesel and Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Sid and Tatanka. Sid faced Diesel once again at IYH 2: The Lumberjacks for the WWF Title in a Lumberjack match, which Diesel won. Sid was scheduled to face Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels at Summerslam 1995, but was replaced by Razor Ramon at the bequest of WWF President Gorilla Monsoon, with Ramon challenging for the title in a Ladder Match, as Sid was seen watching on the backstage TV monitors. Sid would face Michaels for the title on the September 5 RAW, but lose after receiving three superkicks. Sid then started a feud with Henry Godwinn; Sid defeated him at IYH 3: Triple Header.
Teaming with 1-2-3 Kid (November 1995 – January 1996)
On the November 13 episode of Raw, Sid faced the WWF Intercontinental Champion Razor Ramon in a non-title match, with Razor’s friend The 1-2-3 Kid as the special guest referee. Razor was about deliver the Razor’s Edge on Sid, but The 1-2-3 Kid pulled Sid out of it. Sid pinned Razor after the Powerbomb, with 1-2-3 Kid making a fast count, to win the match. After the match, The Kid then joined the Million Dollar Corporation.
In the first elimination match at Survivor Series, Sid and Ted DiBiase helped The 1-2-3 Kid pin Marty Jannetty to win and become the sole survivor for his team. Later in the event, Sid was randomly teamed up with Shawn Michaels, Ahmed Johnson, and The British Bulldog to face Yokozuna, Owen Hart, Razor Ramon, and Dean Douglas in a “Wild Card” Survivor Series Match. Sid was eliminated by Razor Ramon after Michaels hit Sid with Sweet Chin Music. After his elimination, Sid powerbombed Michaels. At IYH 5: Season’s Beatings, Razor Ramon and Marty Jannetty defeated Sid and The 1-2-3 Kid. Sid and The 1-2-3 Kid teamed up the next night to participate in the Raw Bowl Match, which The Smoking Gunns won.
A severe injury sustained before or during a January 2nd, 1996 house show match in Hartford, CT with Bob Holly led to Sid’s departure from the WWF.
WWF Championship Push (July 1996 – June 1997)
Eudy would not be seen again in the WWF until July 8, 1996 on an episode of Monday Night Raw when he was announced as the replacement to The Ultimate Warrior (who left the WWF) for the six-man tag team match, teaming with Shawn Michaels and Ahmed Johnson against Vader, Owen Hart, and The British Bulldog (with Jim Cornette) at the main event of IYH 9: International Incident. At this time, he was already considered a face. Cornette’s team won the match.
The next night on Raw, Sid started a feud with The British Bulldog. Sid faced the Bulldog at SummerSlam on August 18th. Sid pinned Bulldog with the Powerbomb to win the match, despite interference from Owen Hart. At IYH 10: Mind Games on September 22 Shawn Michaels hit Mankind with Sweet Chin Music and went for the pin to retain the WWF Championship, but Vader came out, broke up the count, attacked Michaels, and got Mankind disqualified. After the match, Mankind and Vader double-teamed Michaels until Sid came out to make the save. He and Vader fought their way backstage, starting a feud between the two.
Sid fought Vader at IYH 11: Buried Alive on October 20 in a match where the winner would face Shawn Michaels for the WWF Championship at Survivor Series on November 17th. Vader hit the Vader Bomb on Sid, but Sid amazingly kicked out and fought back. Sid was about to Powerbomb Vader, but Vader’s manager, Jim Cornette got on the ring apron. Shawn Michaels pulled Cornette off the apron and hit him with Sweet Chin Music. Sid pinned Vader with the chokeslam to win the match and to become the number one contender for the WWF Championship. After the match, Sid celebrated his victory with Michaels.
At Survivor Series, Sid grabbed a camera from the cameraman and prepared to hit Michaels with it. Michaels’ manager, Jose Lothario got on the ring apron and told Sid to put the camera down, but Sid refused and hit Lothario in the chest with the camera. Although this was the act of a heel, the audience in MSG that night cheered wildy for him and booed Michaels. Sid dropped the camera and as soon as he turned around, Michaels hit him with Sweet Chin Music; however, Michaels went outside the ring to check on his manager instead of going for the pin. Sid hit Michaels in the back with the camera, threw him back in the ring, hit the Powerbomb, and pinned Michaels to become the WWF Champion.
At IYH 12: It’s Time on December 15 Sid defended the title against Bret Hart in a match where the winner would defend the title against Shawn Michaels at the 1997 Royal Rumble on January 19th. Hart made Sid tap out to the Sharpshooter, but the referee was knocked out. As Shawn Michaels was commentating at ringside, Sid and Bret Hart left the ring and started fighting right beside him. After Sid pushed Michaels then climbed into the ring with Hart, Michaels went to hit Sid but Sid threw Hart into him. Sid pinned Hart with the Powerbomb to retain the title.
At the Royal Rumble, Sid defended the title against Michaels. During the match, Sid hit the chokeslam on Michaels and he powerbombed him on the mats outside the ring. Later on in the match, Jose Lothario got on the ring apron and Sid approached him, but before he could do anything to Lothario, Michaels hit Sid in the back and the face with the camera, knocking him out in the process. Michaels went for the pin, but Sid amazingly kicked out. Michaels pinned Sid with Sweet Chin Music to become the WWF Champion for the second time. On the 2/17/97 episode of Monday Night Raw, Sid faced Bret Hart for the WWF Championship. Hart had Sid trapped in the Sharpshooter when Stone Cold Steve Austin came to the outside of the ring and hit Hart with a steel chair. Sid pinned Hart with the Powerbomb to win the WWF Championship for the second time.
At WrestleMania 13 on March 23 Sid defended the title against The Undertaker. During the match, both men amazingly kicked out of the other’s chokeslam. Bret Hart interfered causing The Undertaker to Tombstone and pin Sid to become the WWF Champion for the second time. Sid didn’t appear for around two months. He returned on the 5/12/97 episode of Monday Night Raw as a face, where he pinned Owen Hart and was to be the partner of The Legion Of Doom in their feud with The Hart Foundation. At King of the Ring on June 8 Sid and The Legion Of Doom faced The Hart Foundation (Owen Hart, The British Bulldog, and Jim Neidhart) in a Six-Man Tag Team Match. The Hart Foundation won when Owen pinned Sid with a roll-up. Sid made one more appearance, losing in a rematch against The Undertaker on Raw. This was Sid’s last appearance in the WWF.
Extreme Championship Wrestling (1999)
Sid appeared in ECW from January 1999 to May 1999 and feuded with the Dudley Boyz, John Kronus, Skull Von Krush, and Justin Credible. He left ECW due to the monetary problems plaguing the promotion.
World Championship Wrestling (third run, 1999-2001)
After his run in ECW, Eudy returned to WCW in 1999 where he feuded with Kevin Nash, Goldberg, and Scott Steiner. WCW began nicknaming Sid “The Millennium Man”, shortly after Chris Jericho’s “Millennium Man” gimmick debuted in the WWF. WCW even released a home video highlighting Sid’s return to WCW called Sid Vicious: Millennium Man, but on the original print the word “millennium” was misspelled. Upon returning to the WCW, Sid Vicious was dubbed as undefeated, having a winning streak much like Goldberg had previously. The majority of this streak was Sid coming to the ring and attacking wrestlers already in a match or immediately following their match, thus “defeating” them. Goldberg was the one to ultimately end his streak (WCW also chose to ignore Sid’s many losses in the company during his previous stint with them).
After the “Millennium Man” gimmick ran dry, Sid became a face and started to contend for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship; he was placed in a match at Souled Out 2000 in January to fill the suddenly-vacant title after Bret Hart was forced to relinquish the title due to a concussion. He would go on to lose the match and the title to Chris Benoit, but Benoit was on his way to the WWF at the time and the title was vacated the next night on Nitro.
The next week, Sid was presented with a challenge by Nash, who had become commissioner of WCW. If he could beat Don & Ron Harris in a match on Nitro that night, he would face Nash for the championship that night. Sid completed his first task and defeated Nash in the main event to win his first WCW world championship. Two nights later on Thunder, Nash stripped Sid of the championship due to him not beating the legal Harris brother in the match on Nitro. A rematch between Sid and Nash was set up, and just like he had on Nitro, Sid defeated Nash and became champion again. Sid would successfully defend the title at Superbrawl in February in a Triple Threat match against Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett. On March 19, 2000, Sid defended his title against Jeff Jarrett. He won thanks in part to help from a returning Hulk Hogan, which set up a match for the following night’s Nitro pitting Sid and Hogan vs. Jarrett and Scott Steiner. During the course of the match, Sid turned heel and attacked Hogan, due to his being incensed that the fans were chanting Hogan’s name. He chokeslammed Hogan and forced the referee to count Hogan pinned (the official result was a no contest). This apparently might have been to set up a match for the upcoming Spring Stampede in April. However, shortly after this, WCW began its New Blood angle, and Sid (along with all the other WCW titleholders at the time) was stripped of his championship. He did not play a large role in the angle that followed, and he vanished for several months.
He returned late in the year as the challenger to Scott Steiner’s WCW Championship. Sid failed to defeat Steiner in their match at Starrcade, but remained in the title picture for a short time afterward.
Severe injury
Eudy was scheduled to face Steiner once again at the main event at Sin on January 14, 2001. Prior to the match, members of WCW management allegedly felt that Eudy needed to broaden his arsenal of wrestling moves and suggested that he try an aerial maneuver, despite his “unwillingness.”
During the match, Eudy consequently suffered a leg fracture following his leap from the middle turnbuckle in an attempted big boot. This had him landing his 300+ lb. frame on one foot while kicking with the other. The fracture, filmed during the event, was too graphic for many TV stations to reair. Eudy broke his left leg in half, snapping both the tibia and fibula, with at least one of the bones breaking through the skin.
After the injury, Sid pondered retiring from wrestling for good.
“I had about a year left on my contract, and I was thinking back then prior to hurting my leg what was I going to do as far as wrapping up my career. The only thing I really wanted to do was ideally go out in a big pay-per-view, like a WrestleMania or something like that main event, leave like that, and not come back again. It would really be the retirement match.”
A 17-inch (43 cm) rod was placed in his leg during the two-hour surgery. For a while he used a cane to walk. Sid later sued WCW claiming that he was made to jump off the middle rope against his objections.
The injury forced a plot change in the 2001 SuperBrawl Revenge event. The main event was supposed to be Kevin Nash, Diamond Dallas Page, and Sid against Scott Steiner, Jeff Jarrett, and Road Warrior Animal but was rewritten as Kevin Nash vs. Scott Steiner.
Personal life
Eudy is married to Sabrina Paige and they have two sons together, Frank and Gunnar. He now enjoys life in Marion, Arkansas. His favorite pastimes are softball and big game hunting.
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Tags: Sid Justice, Sid Vicious, Sycho Sid, wcw, WWE Legends